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personalized tutoring.
school support.
& homework help.

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looking for virtual or in-home reading tutoring?






& homework help

This option focuses solely on your child's assignments. If your child needs help with their homework, distance learning work, homeschool work or other school work that they have been assigned, I can teach, support, and encourage your child through it all.



This option is the most individualized tutoring where I will design, prepare, and implement activities based on concepts you feel your child needs greater progress in. Assessments are available to find the best area of focus.



4 Easy Steps to your child feeling like a CHAMPION.



Submit a 1-minute inquiry form!

I'll email you back & we'll set up a phone call!


I'll send you a quick sign up form!

 Expect me at the door on your first scheduled day!



I would be grateful for the opportunity to meet & discuss how I can best help your family. The first step is this quick- 1 minute form below. I will be in touch with you as soon as possible!

Here's your first step!

inquiry form


Thanks for submitting!

Client Testimonial

"Mrs. Taylor is a great tutor and is very helpful and we are so thankful she comes to our home! Our daughter was able to work on math all summer to keep up with her math skills and it was very helpful!"

client testimonials

"Mrs. Taylor is Amazing!!! She has taught my son the Joy of learning and he is ALWAYS very excited to meet with her every week! He has learn so much in all areas and she teaches him in a way that is very efficient time wise. She always gives me feedback about his performances and accomplish everything that needed to be done in each and every area. Thanks to Mrs. Taylor , my kid can now write well about different topics; and solve mathematical problems. He has also improved his grammar skills and comprehension etc. She is very friendly and kind with my kid. My kid learns better and faster in a friendly , caring and loving atmosphere. I highly recommend Mrs Taylor ; specially for kids that likes to be heard and to contribute together with their teachers in their own learning experience."

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